ENcome develops optimized evaluation of IR-pictures


Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (12.11.2014): Together with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and OFI Technologie & Innovation GmbH ENcome searches in the field of long-term behaviour of photovoltaic installations within the project called PAMINA. The major project aim is the development of methods used for the systematic diagnosis of PV power plants with the help of Infrared-thermography (IR). The new analytic methods are planned to be used starting with 2015.

Through a semi-automatic recording, systematic correction and evaluation of infrared pictures based on plant data and modelling new conclusions on yield loss and long-term behaviour of photovoltaic installations can be drawn. The main tasks of the research project are on the one hand the optimization of IR recording conditions to be able to record high-quality IR raw data. On the other hand various noise factors will be systematically corrected during the evaluation of IR pictures. Common noise factors in this context can be an inclined view on modules as well as angle- and material related emissions. Additional information out of the plant monitoring system at the time of recording, such as ambient temperature, irradiation and generator power enable a calculation with standardised thermal pictures. Together with an electrical and thermo-physical modelling a power loss in dependency of the operating conditions can be estimated based on the plant’s location.


ENcome as a technical operator expects the major benefit out of the research results in a more efficient maintenance work and consequently also in a higher plant performance. “PAMINA enables us to better evaluate thermo-graphic pictures of PV modules in such a way that (potential) deficiencies are discovered at a very early stage and thereupon maintenance and repair work can be executed more efficiently”, explains Ing. Horst Sonnleitner, technical director at the ENcome group and project advisor for PAMINA.

The project is financed by the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) within the Energy Mission Austria Programms e!MISSION 2012.

ENcome Energy Performance was founded by a team of three managers that bring together decades of experience in renewable energy business. Well skilled engineers ensure the best yield for every renewable energy park in any grid environment. ENcome offers all services along the asset lifecycle with one single point of contact. Together with subsidiaries and a partner network ENcome covers its service portfolio across Europe.