

ENcome accelerates integration of Engineering & Advisory activities

In view of the expansive demand concerning the repowering and revamping of mature solar power plants as well as the continuing high momentum in global PV capacity increase, ENcome Group will realign its Engineering & Advisory ("E&A") activities including strengthening of its technical staff as part of an expansive future business development strategy.

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Agrivoltaic – a promising combination of Solar PV and agriculture

There are many ways a solar park can promote wildlife and maximize the productivity of farmland. ENcome works on selecting and implementing the right measures, as well as placing and maintaining them. Read more here about this promising combination here and don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

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Renewable energy interest of investors soars in NSW, Australia

The New England region of New South Wales, in which ENcome has a leading market share, is poised to become Australia’s largest renewable energy zone and has been overwhelmed with investor interest: The region has received 80 registrations of interest from investors, submitting enough projects to create 34 GW of clean energy.

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ENcome and AI: Artificial Intelligence boosting the efficiency of O&M services

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making its way into various industries and the PV solar industry is one of them. ENcome is successively increasing the share of AI-based data analysis to improve the daily operations and maximise the performance of our client’s entrusted solar assets.

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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for Solar PV

The future of Renewable Energy (RE) involves the challenge of stabilising the energy output of green energy sources. Everyone in the energy sector knows this, but what’s the most efficient way of achieving this stabilisation? The ENcome BESS Team gets to the bottom of this question and gives us an overview of BESS for the PV industry.

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ENcome Board and Management Changes

With immediate effect, Dr. Ludger Vonnahme, previously in various Senior Executive roles in the Private Equity Sector and a long-standing solar investor who indirectly also is a shareholder of ENcome, will join the ENcome Advisory Board. Due to personal and professional reasons, Joachim Coers and Dr. Robin Hirschl give up their memberships.

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ENcome once again extends volume in Australia

Once again good news from Australia: With a new 33MWp Solar Farm in Central Queensland, another utility-scale solar plant has been added to the management portfolio of ENcome – so ENcome is currently operating about 650MWp (DC) of solar farms in Australia alone.

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Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) as Top Priority at ENcome

Every working day more than 60 ENcome field engineers and technicians set foot on the many PV sites entrusted by our clients around the world. While their main objective is to continuously maximize the electricity production of these sites and to preserve their long-term value, this is performed under the necessary condition that there are no environmental, health and safety hazards for these engineers, visitors or the plant itself. ENcome has a zero-tolerance policy to HSE incidents.

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ENcome goes from strength to strength and is ready for future growth

Amidst COVID-related process challenges, an on-going tendency for scope-adjusted price reductions and increasing service level requests by participants in the market for PV O&M services, in fiscal 2020 ENcome completed another successful year with significantly increased business volume regarding both nominal capacity under management and total revenues.

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ENcome ensures high-quality monitoring services in a challenging winter 2020/2021

When did you see that much snow the last time?

With our Headquarters based in Austria our team is familiar to see snow, yet the winter 2020/21 was exceptional in several aspects. Not only was it forecasted with precision, but it also brought snow to geographical locations in Central Europe that didn't see snow for years and where snowfall is rather unlikely.

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