

ENcome supports charitable solar project in Guatemala

This year, once again, ENcome decided to support a charitable solar project instead of sending out presents or Christmas cards: Our donation goes to the PowerOneForOne Foundation to sustain the “Casa Guatemala”, a children’s village in Central America. The project aims to finance a solar roof system to provide the orphanage with clean and affordable electricity and will bring Casa Guatemala closer to their goal of becoming self-sufficient.


Design to Operate – 13.5 MWp in the Netherlands

Since the start of ENcome Engineering, the core team had a clear vision. They wanted to design photovoltaic power plants with a perspective of the entire life cycle. The connection with ENcome’s O&M Business and experience was hence a perfect match.


ENcome All Meeting – when a distance of 15.000 km becomes 0

After five long years, it was about time to happen again. During the week of September 12th 2022, the major part of our staff took the trip to our headquarter in Austria to meet, greet and mingle with colleagues from all offices.


Solar energy for a good cause

ENcome in 2022 started an outstanding project: we implemented the monitoring of a PV solar system for an educational centre in the Republic of Chad free of charge. Already initiated in 2017 by missio, SolarKapital, IBC Solar and other sponsors, ENcome is delighted to support this charity project.


ENcome strengthens Management

As of April 2022, Jörg Christiansen will join the management team of ENcome. In his previous positions he was in charge of the O&M businesses of Wircon Renewables Services and ENOVOS, both sizable and active market participants, for many years. Christiansen will become Chief Executive Officer of ENcome Group following Andreas Leimbach who retires from the position after some five years of service. Leimbach will continue to support the Group on an advisory basis.


TOP O&M Performance bringt ENcome Deutschland zusätzliche 183 MWp

Positive Nachrichten und ein ausgezeichneter Ruf verbreiten sich rasant - sie zu erreichen braucht Zeit, Einsatzbereitschaft und ein engagiertes Team. Überdurchschnittliche Performance und Fokus auf Qualität ist eine der fundamentalen Stärken aller ENcome-Teams in Europa und der APAC. Daher war es keine Überraschung für ENcome Deutschland kürzlich einen neuen Großkunden für sich gewinnen und die Zusammenarbeit mit einem anderen Großkunden deutlich auszubauen.
